Thursday, October 25, 2007

Chicken Pork Adobo (Sabungan Style)

 1/2 kilo pork
 1/2 kilo chicken
 1 cup vinegar
 2 tbsp salt
 1 tsp vetsin
 1/2 tsp pepper (powdered)
 5-6 cloves garlic, minced
 2 cups thick coconut milk
Cut pork and chicken into small serving pieces. Put in pan and add all ingredients
except coconut milk. Boil for 5 minutes. Drain. Set aside broth.
Fry pork, chicken, and garlic in oil until a little brown. Add broth again, cover and
boil. When half cooked, pour in coconut milk. Stir until it boils. Continue cooking
until pork and chicken are done.

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